Friday, May 21, 2010

word reflections

Every spring we each choose a word and then reflect upon it the next year.
Soon I will post our 2010 words but here are thoughts about our 2009 words

Jim – active ~ I am recently pleased with my more "active" life. There were a few months where active was not part of it.

Mary – moments ~ I am well on my way to enjoying (and recording) my everyday moments. My blog has been a great way for me to focus on my moments.

Amanda - experience

Benjamin - evolving

Mike - build ~ Grade B, I wanted to rebuild our finances, relationship with kids, and relationship with Marty.

Marty – health ~ On the way to being attained – I am more in control and that is a good thing.

Doug – survival ~ I’m still here so I guess . . . attained.

Leslie – anticipation ~ There were many good things to anticipate this past year...and more to anticipate in 2010! I think my anticipation was for a possible retirement decision. Difficult as it has been to truly decide, now that the decision is made, I am happy about it. More time with Dougie, more time with friends and family, time to get organized, and hopefully more time to plan some new adventures! I look at all of my retired friends, and not one has an ounce of regret on their young, smiling faces!

Debbie - timely ~ For me that's the key, "for me", I think I'm doing a bit better. I've actually been at appointed places within five minutes of the designated times.

Dave - focus ~ He thinks he didn't do well. He's thinking of a new word for this year.. . but he .just needs to" focus".

Val – opportunity ~ I believe I was successful at being open to opportunities that helped me grow as a wife, mother (and mother-in-law! )friend, and teacher. For me, half the battle is recognizing an opportunity when it seems to be a celebration, event or challenge . . . That is the part I will always be working on!

Ed - please ~ Please, did not work too well. I am taking suggestions for my new word. Help Please.

Maryellen – thankful ~ It was the theme for our somewhat-annual Mortonian Valentine Letter

Ali - wedding ~ attained :)

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